Photo by ©Estudio Lumina
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The gastronomic offer in Tenerife is very wide. Thanks to tourism and good local produce, the development of this sector has been greatly encouraged. But how can we not get lost among so many proposals? We want to give you the opportunity to eat as a local would do, in our favorite places, those that stand out for a certain specialty, for the good service or for the incredible views. Are you hungry?
Sandwich shops and juice bars
There is no Canarian who has not once stopped at mid-morning to have a "breakfast", a forceful break that comes to resemble a lunch. Pork leg sandwiches and white cheese, chicken with avocado, or the very typical watercress sandwich, always accompanied by natural juices of tropical fruits, which are very well served here (we love papaya, orange and strawberry). These bars, apart from being a very economical option, are fantastic for vegetarians!
In short, the sandwich for the canaries is almost a concept of life, to the point that the most mythical sandwiches have been added to nightclubs that offer signature sandwiches and others specializing in gourmet sandwiches.
Have a snack >
On an island where the average temperature is 20 degrees all year round, it should come as no surprise that locals spend most of their days off on the beaches. And that's why beach bars are so fashionable. Is there anything better than having a cold beer accompanied by a bowl of shrimps, looking out to sea and fixing the world with your mates? There are more sophisticated ones and there are very humble ones, as we like them, full of locals, where what really counts is having a full belly and a smile on your face.
Stop by a beach bar >
Guachinches and traditional restaurants
We love the flavors of our homeland, those spoon dishes that remind us of our grandmothers, like braised meats, casseroles and stews. In the coldest season we usually go to the north of the island in search of those traditional recipes that with their handcrafted touch warm our body and soul. From the mythical ribs with pineapples (link to Casa Tomás) to the rabbit in salmorejo, all sautéed with a glass of local red wine.
Taste the tradition >
But if there is something that is undoubtedly part of the idiosyncrasy of the inhabitants of Tenerife, these are the guachinches. Hidden between Tacoronte and the Orotava Valley, these are places where foreign merchants used to taste wine and which have now become the best-preserved gastronomic treasure on the island. Very popular among locals on weekends, they are characterized by serving traditional peasant dishes and self-produced wine at truly low prices. Sometimes improvised in the garages of houses, sometimes in the back of a farm, they surprise by the quality of their dishes for less than 10 € per person.
Discover the guachinches >
Fishermen´s guilds and fish restaurants
On an island like Tenerife not eating fresh fish and seafood is a crime. From luxury restaurants to fishermen's guilds, sea products are the star of our tables. Samas, chernes, viejas, tuna, sardines, groupers, limpets... These freshly caught delicacies can be found in almost every coastal town. But would you like to finish a walk and eat a brothy rice in front of the sea, watch the sunset while enjoying some seafood or try an Asian restaurant with a Michelin Star in the antipodes of Japan? That's why we've compiled this selection of restaurants especially for you.
Discover our fish restaurants >
Modern Kitchen
Locales fusión, gastrobares, flexitarianos... la cocina moderna es tendencia. Son mucho los cocineros en Tenerife que han querido experimentar y buscar nuevas recetas, fruto de la unión entre la gastronomía internacional, los ingredientes de la tierra y las técnicas más vanguardistas. Y aquí, que desde los tiempos de Colón sabemos lo que es importar costumbres ajenas y hacerlas propias, estas mezclas culinarias se dan muy bien. Mejicanos de autor, peruanos de ensueño, chef locales que han sabido reinterpretar los clásicos... cada cual nos convence por su mix atrevido de sabores, por la calidad y la frescura de sus ingredientes, y por supuesto por el guiño a la comida tradicional de toda la vida.
Fusion venues, gastrobars, flexitarians... modern cuisine is a trend. There are many chefs in Tenerife who have wanted to experiment and look for new recipes, the result of the union between international gastronomy, the ingredients of the land and the most avant-garde techniques. And here, since the times of Columbus we know what it is to import foreign customs and make them our own, these culinary mixtures go very well. Authentic Mexican, enchanting Peruvians, local chefs who have been able to reinterpret the classics... each one convinces us by its daring mix of flavours, by the quality and freshness of its ingredients, and of course by the wink to the traditional food of all times.
Try some modern cuisine >
Meat grills and restaurants
And last but not least, there is a section dedicated to meat lovers. T-bone steaks, entrecots, roast suckling pigs, sausages and charcoal-grilled sausages... the truth is that it is very difficult to resist. From more rustic bodegones, where the meat is served on wooden trays, to more elegant premises where they prepare a steak tartar live, on the island we have a wide range of restaurants where to taste the best meat. Here is our list of essentials.